The body is a spell. Ten fingertips, magicians, disrobe their damoiselle — slow, while he is sitting, puppy, restless, nips at black pointe shoes. Your finger tells him no. Obedience he’ll choose. He won’t require a potion. Vertebrae compel. Observe over shoulder, stoic but his tell: two fires that smolder inside pupils. Heat he deserves for shrinking — even thinking you are small. Your body is enchantment he didn’t see at all. You indicate the floor. He crawls towards a doll vibrating sorcery, below rotating, naked piqué turns. Each kiss, even a pointe shoe, he will earn. --- Kristin Garth is a Pushcart & Best of the Net nominated sonnet stalker. Her poetry has stalked magazines like Glass, Yes, Five:2: One, Anti-Heroin Chic, Former Cactus, Occulum, Luna Luna, & many more. She has four chapbooks Pink Plastic House and Good Girl Games (Maverick Duck Press), Pensacola Girls (Bone & Ink Press, Sept 2018), Shakespeare for Soci...