Monash You have what it takes. You told the headhunter you have no experience but you’ve always been good at picking it up on the job. You asked the mall Santa for an AR15 and promised you’d be the best little boy with the best words. You know stardom means they’ll let you do it, let you do anything. When you stumble you go into an interpretive dance to cover. No disease is too serious to be mocked. Your solution to the crisis is to employ the person with the finest looking hound. You got your bachelor’s degree on Ramadan and wrecked it in a drunk driving accident three hours later. You make machine gun noises with your underarms and get a standing ovation from the largest crowd in history. --- St Hunger's Day the ache continues each day a touch deeper between the bones the pen grows hot in my hands the injections supposed to relieve pain for six months last two if I'm lucky what will happen when I can no longer write? Footnote: ed . note: it exists! December 22 nd . Hunger wa...