Your disappearing act is staged for the time when clouds of cow breath rise above early Autumn mists. It begins beneath seven geese flying a low ‘v’. That breath and those birds are your conjurors. What they puff and drop will take hold in you, carry you to the coast where your edge waits where lonely people stand to send out their cries. What is shallow now in your lungs can be flung wide above the sea, made small between water and air. --- Sue Finch lives with her wife in North Wales. Her first published poem appeared in A New Manchester Alphabet in 2015 whilst studying for her MA with Manchester Metropolitan University. Her work has also appeared in a number of online magazines including: The Interpreter’s House , Ink, Sweat and Tears, Dear Reader and One Hand Clapping . Her debut collection, ‘ Magnifying Glass’ , was published in October 2020 with Black Eyes Publishing UK .