Circaea Lutetiana
is actually
quite a dull little plant
and if the definition of a weed is a plant where it is not wanted
(descriptive and prescriptive)
it deserves its own entry
as usual
Latin confuses (from Circe the witch) and the habit of growing in dark
out-of-the-way places
it’s the common name
that thrills
evoking a charismatic figure stooped over a pot and stirring
there is not enough magic in the world
yet when pushed
to choose
we prefer the natural super
but tidy
and enchanting
has come to mean delightfully charming
words spread
coming up in unexpected places
follow the root
you may learn something
Gareth Writer-Davies is from
Brecon, Wales. He was shortlisted for the Bridport Prize (2014 and 2017) and the
Erbacce Prize (2014), Commended in the Prole Laureate Competition (2015) and
Prole Laureate for 2017; Commended in the Welsh Poetry Competition (2015) and
Highly Commended in 2017.
His work "Bodies"
was published in 2015 by Indigo Dreams and "Cry Baby" came
out 2017. “The Lover's Pinch" (Arenig Press) was published in June, 2018. His
pamphlet “The End” is due out later this year.
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