whisps of moonlight
so i am not covered
only in shadows
i know she's watching me,
and she's trying to reach
out with petals of love
because i feel unclothed and naked
vulnerable to all the darkness
in this world;
naked and scared i am embalmed
in a death that is not mine—
she chases away my nightmares,
reminds me of my purpose and my magic;
whispers to me i am not alone
even when i feel like i might be.
Linda M. Crate's works have been published in numerous magazines and anthologies both online and in print. She is the author of six poetry chapbooks, the latest of which is: More Than Bone Music (Clare Songbirds Publishing House, March 2019). She's also the author of the novel Phoenix Tears (Czykmate Books, June 2018). Recently she has published two full-length poetry collections Vampire Daughter (Dark Gatekeeper Gaming, February 2020) and The Sweetest Blood (Cyberwit, February 2020).
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