Today, I walked. Riverside paths that led through and past my fantasy escape, into
Reality, broken exhaust fumes and fractured conversations, whispers
Of promises, breaths of sunshine glinting across currents, watery intrusions welcomed within my
Gulls called as a dazzling elegance of swans skimmed to the Cathedral steps, promised food in
return for the sustenance of watching a beauty still existing. Shedded feathers bobbed along the
river, forming cirrus clouds atop the wavelets. Scents
played peek-a-boo, tickling noses and faces with fragrant hints of summer emerging
in the musical notes suffusing through the earphones, catching the rhythm of my breath.
Smiles were nodded as the shackles withered, the cautious stepping aside with apology,
still afraid to taste the freedom on offer. The smorgasbord of fear still laid out on the tables
of a misled populace; we were offered a reassured safety, protection.
We received the darkness of uncertainty.
Yet I feel that clouds are lifting, peace is calling, hope more contagious than this infection, so
Today I walked, and paused along the paths of fantasy to welcome a new reality.
Calling herself a “poetic minstrel with living in her veins”, Leena writes passionately about everything that strikes her mind and heart, hoping her poems offer some meaning to others. Quietly passionate and slightly kookie, Leena can often be found reading at Dear Listener, SpeakEasy and 42 Worcester. Living in the historic and majestic city of Worcester, Leena finds her inspiration in travels and expansive life experiences. Find her on facebook (PixieMusePoetry) twitter (@pixie_dragonfly) Instagram (pixiemusepoetry) and YouTube (Pixie Muse Poetry & Prose)
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