CW: Please note 'Elegy for Her', the second poem on this page, contains reference to sexual assault.
I am rooting for us
We are like two sunflowers,
tall, but
almost touching, but we never quite manage it.
We have found ourselves so desperate for the sunlight,
that we forgot to work on our life in the shade.
The sourness that lies unspoken between our roots,
sits silently,
rotting our foundations,
until there is nothing left to nourish,
Elegy for Her
She lay silent, buried underneath
his body
that was about to suffocate hers
of life,
he used her body as a sin, as he
ripped apart
her skin
with knives,
she was a mannequin
to be cast aside
and placed on to a pile
with other statistics,
mirrors became her enemy,
she did not want to see
the reflection of defeat, as
the pain still feeds on her happiness.
She used to refer to herself in past tense
for life was not
as kind
back then
my focus became who I am now;
a woman who could no longer be touched
by him,
a woman free to breathe without
his toxic fumes that sat
heavy on my chest.
I now stand tall above
the home I have built
from the rubble,
allowing myself to
feel the sun on my skin
as I close my eyes and no longer
for my dream is now a reality:
I am cleansed.
I am healed.
I am worthy.
Faye Alexandra Rose is a third-year student studying English Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Worcester. Her work has appeared in online magazines such as; Mookychick, small leaf press and Fevers of the mind. She can be found on Twitter @FayeAlexandraR1 or via her website: www.
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