roaming the
forest behind
our house,
carving R H
in the bark of
trees. Not Maid Marian,
too mumsy in
her cambric skirts
and flaxen
braids. The thigh-length
boots appealed to me. I cropped
my hair,
collected long green feathers.
My Granddad
taught me archery.
Hold tight the bow, and let the arrow fly.
The gymslip
girls were my Merry Men.
They followed
me through waist-high bracken,
braving the sticky green spikes to the fence
where the
ferrets were nailed. We dared
each other to
touch the feet. We smeared
our bloodied
fingers across each others’
cheeks. Blood brothers now, we plundered
the woods for
willow and yew, gathered
whortleberries, wild sorrel and nuts
which we fed
each other in earthy dark,
as we hid from
the Sheriff in the Mighty Oak.
Jennie Farley is a published poet, teacher and workshop leader living in Cheltenham. Her work has featured in many poetry magazines and been performed at Festivals. Her first collection is My Grandmother Skating (Indigo Dreams Publishing 2016) followed by Hex (IDP 2018). She founded and runs NewBohemians@CharltonKings, a popular arts club providing poetry, performance and music throughout the year.You can find out more information about Jennie's work on her website:
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