Now I am naturalized and marketable,
my brain useful my forearms strong.
I gleam squeaky-clean from scrubbing hospital floors.
You can forgive my skin the colour
of midnight plums at least temporarily
when I apply gauze to your suppuration
you wince avoid my eyes
when I empty your bedpan tell me to cheer up
when you make a joke about my ancestors.
My scissors not nearly as sharp as your corrections
of my grammarly faults. I am dizzy
tolerated, jostled kept on
until something better home-grown
comes along.
Marina Sofia is a translator, reviewer, writer and blogger. She is also a global nomad, which sounds much better than 'immigrant'. She has published poetry and flash fiction in a few online and print journals, and thinks poetry is the best way to procrastinate when she should be working on her crime novel.